The Modified Program is a life skills program. The focus of this program is on increasing academic skills, functional skills, daily living skills, appropriate peer interactions and social communication, and independence. The curriculum is based on each student’s individual needs.

Special Education Department
The mission of the Lockport Township High School Special Education Department is to create a student-centered learning environment that allows students with special needs the opportunity to develop the skills which will enable them to become lifelong learners. The staff will work to provide students with appropriate preparation to make a successful transition to post-secondary opportunities.
Modified Program
Lockport Academy (LTAC)
Lockport Academy is an alternative placement for students with IEPs who require the support of a structured, therapeutic educational program. Students attending LTAC receive social, emotional, and academic support in order to make progress toward secondary and postsecondary goals. Students are recommended for placement at LTAC by their IEP team.
Lewis University
The Lewis University Career Cluster Program facilitates students in developing responsibility for setting and attaining career goals that will enable them to experience a successful transition from school to the working world. The program provides on-the-job training, with direct supervision from the LTHS Job Coaches. A variety of departments within Lewis University are accessed for this program. This program allows students to earn credit while establishing and maintaining successful work skills such as independence, self-sufficiency, productivity, and community participation.
Students gain on-the-job training in the community.
Educators receive information to aide future transition plans.
Students are able to gain knowledge in a variety of career exploration opportunities within the program.
Career & Community Connections
Career & Community Connections (CCC) is a vocational transition program for persons with disabilities, ages 18-21. Instruction provided at CCC to these LTHS graduates centers around independent living, vocational training, and community involvement. Training is individualized based on the young adult’s abilities, needs, and goals‒whether those goals are gainful employment, independence at home, or a comfortable transition to a day program for adults.
Special Services Overview
Lockport Township High School offers a full range of special services to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Services may range from minimal contact by a specialist on a consultation basis to a full instructional program for those students who need maximum support to achieve their IEP goals. Students are provided with programs and services in the least restrictive environment, as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Services Act of 2004.
Whenever possible, students will participate in classes with their non-disabled peers. The Special Services curriculum is aligned with the general services curriculum and with the Illinois State Learning Standards. A full range of support services and activities to address identified transitional needs is incorporated into each student’s individual education program. Students are placed in classes through the Individualized Educational Plan (I.E.P.) process.
Course Descriptions
Special Education Courses
Modified Curriculum
Other Available Courses